
wedding planning from a man's perspective

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wedding planning from a man's perspective

As a man, I know next to nothing about planning a wedding. My fiancée and I agreed that we would work together to plan our wedding. She provided me with a long list of things that I was to do independently, a list that she was going to take care of, and a list that we would work on together. The minute she handed me these three sheets of paper, I knew that we were in for a long six months. That was when I started talking to her about hiring someone to help us with the planning of our wedding. Visit our blog to find out how we worked together with a planner to make our day the best it could be.

An Acrostic Poem Guide To Planning A Small Chapel Wedding

Even small weddings can be hard to plan. Once you have found the perfect wedding chapel, you have to consider seating, overbooking, and all the details you want to include in your wedding. Adding these details to a small space can be challenging and some sacrifices may need to be made. Instead of stressing over every last detail, use the following acrostic poem guide of the phrase "Small Chapel." Each step will help you plan out the small wedding and give you tips to consider.

Seating limits are important to follow. You may have the ability to offer standing room seats, but many chapels have a limit that must be followed due to safety regulations and fire codes. One way to cut back on guests is not allowing invited people to bring an extra guest.

Make sure you visit wedding chapels in person before booking the location. Seeing a chapel in person is a lot different than looking at pictures or videos online. It can also help spark creative output for the wedding planning.

Amazing light: Smaller chapels have the ability to create some amazing lighting situations from natural windows. View the chapel at different times of the day to see how natural light flows in. You can also hire professional lighting for up-lighting or mood lighting across the chapel walls.

Limit bridesmaids and groomsmen to two per spouse. Large parties can take up a ton of space and create logistic problems as you set up the ceremony. Eliminating the parties all together can also help remove any drama or hurt feelings about not being selected. Openly communicate with friends and family to explain your wishes so they understand.

Length of dress: When booking a small wedding chapel, consider the length of your dress and ways that it could cause a problem in a small chapel. If you're wearing a dress that doesn't hang low or spread out far you will have an easier time moving through aisles and turning multiple directions.

Choosing floral arrangement: Smaller bouquets and vases can still add a romantic touch without overwhelming the room. Get the flowers that you love, just request smaller arrangements. This can also help you save money on the ceremony.

Hanging decorations: Make the room come alive without compromising space. With permission from the chapel, you can hang ribbons, flowers, and a number of other small decorations to add to the wedding design. This creates an elegant touch without compromising aisle or seating space.

Audio Tests: Small rooms may echo, create feedback, or absorb the sound if no microphones are needed. During a ceremony rehearsal, it's a good idea to test out as much audio as possible. This will ensure that everyone can hear the vows and the ceremony will go smoothly.

Pictures & Videos: In a tight space, it's important to designate areas for photographers or anyone taking video. To help limit distractions or blocked shots, politely inform guests to avoid taking pictures because professional services are there to complete it. An aisle seat is ideal for any type of photographer.

Elevated Platform: A small platform at the front of the chapel can ensure that all of your guests can see and hear you. Even in a small chapel, it can be hard to view the whole ceremony. Many chapels will already have their own platform, but you can request one specifically for your wedding day.

Learn to compromise and make changes to the wedding day. A couple of small changes will not ruin your perfect day. Adapting and brainstorming new ideas is a great way to turn a potential negative factor into a positive one. Chapel employees have done numerous weddings at the location and likely have a lot of advice for any problems you come across. Instead of focusing on the problem, focus on the solution and good things will come.

Small chapel weddings are special and feature a more intimate appeal. With a lot of planning, you can create a memorable day for you and your loved ones.